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What should I do if the glass tempering furnace trips? Reasons and solutions for tripping

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Most mechanical equipment requires electricity for operation. If a trip occurs, not only will the equipment not function properly, but it may also affect the safety of the operators. Therefore, it should be taken seriously. To solve the problem of tripping, it is necessary to first understand the cause of the trip, and find and solve the problem in a targeted manner based on the cause. Below, we will introduce to you the specific solutions to the tripping of the glass tempering furnace.

1. Reasons for tripping of glass tempering furnace

1.1. Switch aging:

If the equipment has been used for many years, there may be switch or knife aging phenomenon. During long-term use, the resistance of the switch contact increases, the temperature increases during use, causing spring annealing softening, internal bracket deformation, and failure to meet the rated current, resulting in tripping.

1.2. Circuit overload:

There are too many glass tempering furnace equipment or other electrical equipment in the factory, and when opened, it causes an increase in working current, exceeding the load of the power supply circuit and causing tripping.

1.3. Poor contact:

If there are connection points in the circuit with poor contact or there are connectors in the circuit, it may cause a fire and cause a trip.

1.4. Equipment leakage:

If there is leakage or short circuit inside the tempering furnace, a trip will occur when the equipment is turned on. If it does not run, it will not affect the operation.

1.5. Motor stuck:

The tempering furnace motor is stuck, causing a surge in current and resulting in a tripping phenomenon.

1.6. Ground leakage:

When the equipment is grounded, it may trip due to leakage protection. When the ground leakage is not severe, it will not trip. When the working current plus leakage current exceeds the capacity of the knife switch, it will trip.

1.7. Improper installation of wiring:

When the wiring in the factory area is not installed according to electrical specifications or connected incorrectly, tripping may also occur.

In short, what should be done if the glass tempering furnace trips? Based on the reasons mentioned above, as well as the specific phenomena and patterns on site, solutions can be taken to address the issue.

2. Solution to tripping of glass tempering furnace

2.1. Check load: Observe the rated current and power of some devices, compare them with the rated load on the air switch. If the load exceeds the limit, it is considered an overload protection trip. At this time, the rated load of the circuit should be readjusted or the number of devices opened simultaneously should be reduced.

2.2. Check for leakage: The possible reasons for the tripping of the glass tempering furnace are also related to the leakage of the equipment. First, turn off other equipment, cut off the power, and start a separate equipment. If it starts and runs normally, it indicates that the equipment does not have leakage. If a tripping occurs, the problem may occur on the equipment. It is necessary to shut down the glass tempering furnace for maintenance and troubleshoot. Here, separate tests can be conducted on other devices one by one, and if a trip occurs, it should be repaired separately.

2.3. Circuit maintenance: If the above two issues are ruled out, the cause of leakage may be tripping caused by circuit grounding. In this case, electricians need to inspect and repair the circuit. During the process, do not use a glass tempering furnace, otherwise it may cause damage to the machine. At the same time, refer to the previously discussed method of how to maintain the equipment in case of a power outage in the glass tempering furnace.

The above is the specific answer to the question of what to do about the tripping of the glass tempering furnace. We hope it can help you better solve the problem. In addition, if you encounter other problems during the use of the glass tempering furnace, please feel free to call us for consultation. We produce various models of glass tempering furnaces to meet the production needs of tempered glass with different sizes and specifications, and have rich experience in equipment use and maintenance. Please feel free to call us for consultation.

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