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What Is The Principles And Precautions for Selecting A Good & Reliable Glass Tempering Furnaces Machine?

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The glass tempering furnace is a key equipment in the glass production line, which directly affects the operational efficiency of the entire production line and the quality of glass products. Reasonable selection of glass tempering furnaces can not only improve production efficiency, extend equipment service life, but also effectively save energy consumption and reduce operating costs. This article mainly introduces the principles and precautions for selecting equipment for glass tempering furnaces.

1. Principles for selecting equipment for glass tempering furnaces

1.1. Principle of Capacity Matching

The designed production capacity of the glass tempering furnace must match the actual production capacity of other links in the production line. If the production capacity of the tempering furnace is too large, it will cause waste of energy and labor; If the production capacity is too small, it will constrain the efficiency of the entire production line. So when selecting, it is necessary to combine the actual situation of the production line and choose the better specifications of the tempering furnace.

1.2. Principle of process compatibility

There are differences in the tempering process requirements for different glass varieties, so the design of the tempering furnace must be compatible with the process of the required tempered glass variety. For example, although tempered processes such as flat glass, automotive glass, and laminated glass have commonalities, the parameter settings in heating, cooling, and conveying are different. So it is necessary to choose a suitable tempering furnace model based on the current and future product planning of the enterprise.

1.3. Energy conservation and environmental protection principles

With the increasing emphasis on energy conservation and environmental protection by the country, the glass industry is also facing higher environmental requirements. Tempering furnaces are high energy consuming equipment, and priority should be given to selecting equipment with high energy efficiency and low pollution emissions, which can reduce operating costs and meet environmental protection requirements. In addition to the energy-saving performance of the equipment itself, the design of energy-saving processes such as waste heat recovery should also be considered.

2. Notes on equipment selection for glass tempering furnaces

2.1. Clarify the size requirements of the tempering furnace

There are significant differences in the size of glass tempering furnaces of different specifications, such as the length of window glass tempering furnaces usually ranging from 6 to 9 meters; The flat glass tempering furnace can even reach over 30 meters. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately understand the requirements of the production line for glass size before selection, in order to avoid size discrepancies that may lead to abnormal production.

2.2. Determine the heating method of the tempering furnace

The heating methods of tempering furnaces mainly include gas heating, electric heating, and radiation heating, and different heating methods have differences in thermal efficiency, cost, and maintenance requirements. Gas heating has high efficiency and low cost, but there are certain safety hazards; Electric heating is clean and environmentally friendly, but it consumes a lot of electricity; Radiation heating has high accuracy and uniform heating, but the investment cost is high. Enterprises need to weigh and choose based on their actual situation.

2.3. Pay attention to the material and insulation performance of the furnace body

The material and insulation performance of the tempering furnace body are directly related to the accuracy of furnace temperature control. Stainless steel and refractory materials are commonly used furnace body materials, with good high-temperature resistance and anti oxidation corrosion performance. In addition, using high-quality insulation layers can effectively reduce heat loss and improve energy utilization efficiency.

2.4. Check the automation level of the control system

Modern glass tempering furnaces should be equipped with highly automated control systems to accurately control key process parameters such as heating, cooling, and conveying speeds. When selecting, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the functions of the control system, such as whether it has remote monitoring, data collection, and fault diagnosis functions, as well as the scalability of software and hardware.

In summary, when selecting equipment for glass tempering furnaces, it is necessary to comprehensively consider production capacity matching, process compatibility, energy conservation and environmental protection, while paying attention to specific issues such as size requirements, heating methods, material performance, control systems, and maintenance services. To lay the foundation for improving production efficiency, ensuring product quality, and reducing operating costs.


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