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How To Adjust The Particle Size of Tempered Glass?testing Method for Tempered Glass Particle Size

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The particle size of tempered glass is related to stress. With high stress, there are more particles. The more particles there are per unit area, the smaller the individual particle size, and the greater the stress. So how can we adjust if we find that the particle size of tempered glass is large during the production process of the tempering furnace? Below, I will give you a specific introduction to the adjustment and inspection methods for the particle size of tempered glass.


1. How to adjust the large particle size of tempered glass

The reason for the large particle size of tempered glass is mostly related to the low tempering pressure and the low furnace temperature of tempered glass. Uneven heating of glass requires adjusting the heating power of each area of the tempering furnace heating section and checking if there are any furnace wires that are not heating. The furnace wires should be replaced in a timely manner, or the particle size of glass can be adjusted by increasing the tempering pressure, reducing the height of the air nozzle, increasing the furnace temperature, or extending the heating time. At the same time, too low wind pressure is also the main reason for the small number of tempered glass particles. It is advisable to increase the rapid cooling wind pressure appropriately. Note that too high wind pressure increases the probability of glass cracking in the wind grille section and also increases energy consumption, so it is suitable.

2. Test method for particle size of tempered glass

2.1. Inspection method

(1) Place the tempered glass sample freely flat on the test bench and use transparent tape or other means to constrain the glass periphery to prevent glass fragments from splashing.

(2) Use a small hammer or punch with a curvature radius of 0.2mm ± 0.05mm to break the sample at a distance of about 20mm from the surrounding area on the long centerline of the sample.

(3) Keep the fragment pattern starting 10 seconds after impact and ending within 3 minutes after impact.

(4) When counting fragments, the part within a radius of 80mm from the impact point and a range of 25mm from the glass edge or drilling edge should be removed. Select the fragment section and use a rectangular counting box of 50mm x 50mm to calculate the number of fragments inside the box. There should be no penetrating cracks within each fragment, and fragments that span the edge of the counting box should be counted as 1/2 fragments.

2.2. Judgment criteria

GB 15763.2 "Tempered Glass" stipulates that within a 50mm x 50mm square, the thickness is 3mm, and the particle size is 3mm, with ≥ 30 particles; 4-12mm, ≥ 40 particles; Over 15mm, ≥ 30 particles. All particles are inside the frame, one particle is one particle; The particles are pressed by the border, and one particle counts as half a particle.

The above is an introduction to how to adjust the particle size of tempered glass, including the particle size inspection method. Proper control of parameters such as tempering temperature, wind pressure, and cooling temperature during the tempering process can better control the quality and particle size of tempered glass. Our company produces various models of tempering furnace equipment to meet the production needs of tempered glass with different requirements. Please feel free to call us for consultation and purchase.


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